Cannot deserialize; nested exception is Failed to deserialize payload

Seems like SpringSecurityContextImpl can't be deserialized correctly. 410 and 400 means Spring 4.0 and Spring 4.1. There's a similar question for mismatch between Spring 3.2 and Spring 4.2 Redis Session Serializer mismatch between 3.2 and 4.2. That's a bit tricky, because I can see you're just trying to run an example, I think the most straightforward way to fix this is to not store session data in Redis (e.g. remove @EnableRedisHttpSession). Perhaps, also verify that the Spring 4.1 is used everywhere, and Spring 4 is not pulled in by some transitive dependency.

Looks like your Client and Server has two different class Versions:

incompatible: stream classdesc serialVersionUID = 410, local class serialVersionUID = 400
    at ~[spring-data-redis-1.6.4.RELEASE.jar:na]


