Input type="date" thymeleaf

Taking a look at the comment with the error log it seems to be a conversion problem between String to java.util.Date. After searching for a while in the Thymeleaf GitHub I saw two issues which can explain how to proceed in this case:

  • Discussion of the conversion including date in this issue.
  • Implementation of the conversion is explained here.

From the last point, I added an annotation to the start date of your project class:

// This is "org.springframework.format.annotation.DateTimeFormat"
@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private Date start;

And after that, I was able to receive the date in your controller POST method.

Take into account you also need to change your th:value and th:field attributes from your template for the date value from ${project.start} to *{start}, as I wrote in the comments, as you did for the name and description fields.

Use String instead of Date:

@DateTimeFormat(pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd")
private String fromDate;