Cannot Connect by Cloud SQL Proxy from Cloud Shell By Proxy

I can reproduce this issue exactly if I only give my service account "Cloud SQL Client" IAM role. When I give my service account the "Cloud SQL Viewer" role as well, it can then connect. I suggest you try this and see if it helps.

It looks like a network connectivity issue. Read this carefully if you use a private IP :

Note that the Cloud SQL instance is in a Google managed network and the proxy is meant to be used to simplify connections to the DB within the VPC network.

In short: running cloud-sql-proxy from a local machine will not work, because it's not in the VPC network. It should work from a Compute Engine VM that is connected to the same VPC as the DB.

What I usually do as a workaround is use gcloud ssh from a local machine and port forward over a small VM in compute engine, like:

gcloud beta compute ssh --zone "europe-north1-b" "instance-1" --project "my-project" -- -L 3306:cloud_sql_server_ip:3306

Then you can connect to localhost:3306 (make sure nothing else is running or change first port number to one that is free locally)

The Cloud SQL proxy uses port 3307 instead of the more usual MySQL port 3306. This is because it uses TLS in a different way and has different IP ACLs. As a consequence, firewalls that allow MySQL traffic won't allow Cloud SQL proxy by default.

Take a look and see if you have a firewall on your network that blocks port 3307. To use Cloud SQL proxy, authorize this port for outbound connections.