Install udunits2 package for R3.3

I have installed the udunits2 package in R on the Linux platform (redhat) without Internet connnection.

I also had this problem.

Firstly, I installed the udunits2 (not the R package udunits2)in the Linux example at (/usr/include/udunits2).

Secondly, running this command worked: install.packages("udunits2_0.13.tar.gz",configure.args='--with-udunits2-include=/usr/include/udunits2')

I hope this experience could help you.

I had the same problem. Following the first answer from here you have to install -dev version of udunits:

sudo apt-get install libudunits2-dev

Then the installation of udunits2 and ggforce goes without any error.


Following the comments below, for CentOS7 it should be:

sudo yum install udunits2-devel

And for MacOS:

brew install udunits

This won't be any help to the chap that asked the question, but I was just having the same issue on a computing cluster without root access and the following worked:

homedir <- Sys.getenv("HOME")
udunits_dir <- file.path(Sys.getenv("HOME"), "udunits")
system(paste0("mkdir ", udunits_dir))
system(paste0("wget --directory-prefix=", udunits_dir, ""))
owd <- getwd()
system("tar xzvf udunits-2.2.25.tar.gz")
setwd(file.path(udunits_dir, "udunits-2.2.25"))
system(paste0("./configure --prefix=", udunits_dir, "/local"))
system("make install")
Sys.setenv(LD_LIBRARY_PATH=paste0(Sys.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH"), ":", udunits_dir, "/local/lib"))
                 type = "source",
                 configure.args = c(paste0("--with-udunits2-include=", udunits_dir, "/local/include"), 
                                    paste0("--with-udunits2-lib=", udunits_dir, "/local/lib")),
                 repos = "")
dyn.load(paste0(udunits_dir, "/local/lib/"))
install.packages("units", repos = "",
             configure.args = c(paste0("--with-udunits2-include=", udunits_dir, "/local/include"), 
                                paste0("--with-udunits2-lib=", udunits_dir, "/local/lib")))
