Cannot apply DjangoModelPermissions on a view that does not have `.queryset` property or overrides the `.get_queryset()` method

You probably have set DjangoModelPermissions as a default permission class in your settings. Something like:


DjangoModelPermissions can only be applied to views that have a .queryset property or .get_queryset() method.

Since Tutorial 2 uses FBVs, you probably need to convert it to a CBV or an easy way is to specify a different permission class for that view. You must be using the api_view decorator in your view. You can then define permissions like below:

from rest_framework.decorators import api_view, permission_classes
from rest_framework import permissions

def my_view(request)

To resolve the renderer error, you need to add the corresponding renderer to your settings.


I got it working in another way. My logged in user was the superuser which i have created. So i have created another user from admin and made him staff user and provided all the permissions. Then logged in to admin by that user.

In file i changed code.

    # Use Django's standard `django.contrib.auth` permissions,
    # or allow read-only access for unauthenticated users.

And it worked.

Solution for me was as pointed out by @ProfNandaa above

Quick fix, comment out the 'rest_framework.renders.DjangoModelPermissions' line for now -- if you are following the DRF Tutorial 2; and perhaps you had added that in during the homepage example.

I had indeed added this from the homepage example before embarking on the tutorial and hit the same issue.

When I commented out the offending code


from it all worked fine again.