Handling null objects and throwing exceptions in streams

JB Nizet answer is okay, but it uses map only for its side effects and not for the mapping operation, which is kind of weird. There is a method which can be used when you are solely interested in the side effects of something, such as throwing an exception: peek.

List<Parent> filtered = list.stream()

And if you want your own exception just put a lambda in there:

List<Parent> filtered = list.stream()
    .peek(p -> { if (p == null) throw new MyException(); })

Checked Exceptions

If your exception is checked you can either check for null beforehand, if you don't mind traversing the list twice. This is probably best in your case, but might not always be possible.

if (list.contains(null)) throw new MyCheckedException();

You could also throw an unchecked exception in your stream pipeline, catch it and then throw the checked one:

try {
        .peek(p -> { if (p == null) throw new MyException(); })
} catch (MyException exc) {
    throw new MyCheckedException();

Sneaky Throw

Or you could take the elegant but controversial road and use a sneaky throw method.

But beware! This technique circumvents the checked exception system and you should know what you are doing. Be sure to declare that the surrounding method throws MyCheckedException! The compiler won't warn you if you don't, and it will likely cause weird bugs if checked exceptions appear where they are not expected.

public <T extends Throwable> void throwSneakily(Throwable t) throws T {
    throw (T) t;

public void m() throws MyCheckedException {
    List<Parent> filtered = list.stream()
        .peek(p -> { if (p == null) throwSneakily(new MyCheckedException()); })

Let’s start with the simplest solution:

if(list.contains(null)) throw new MyException();
result = list.stream().filter(predicate).collect(Collectors.toList());

If you suspect the list to contain nulls and even have a specialized exception type to flag this condition, a pre-check is the cleanest solution. This ensures that such condition doesn’t silently remain if the predicate changes to something that can handle nulls or when you use a short-circuiting stream operation that may end before encountering a subsequent null.

If the occurrence of null in the list still is considered a programming error that shouldn’t happen, but you just want to change the exception type (I can’t imagine a real reason for this), you may just catch and translate the exception:

try {
    result = list.stream().filter(predicate).collect(Collectors.toList());
catch(NullPointerException ex) {
    if(list.contains(null)) // ensure that we don’t hide another programming error
        throw new MyException();
    else throw ex;

This works efficient under the assumption that null references do not occur. As said, if you suspect the list to contain null you should prefer a pre-check.