Can we rotate symbols in LaTeX? How should we make this diagram?

Two solutions, one with “standard” tools, one with tikz-cd and code by LaRiFaRi.

\usepackage{amsmath,amssymb} % for both solutions

\usepackage{graphicx} % for the first solution

\usepackage{tikz-cd} % for the second solution

% for the first solution
  \overset{\substack{\textstyle #1\\[0.5ex]\rotcong\\[0.5ex]}}{#2}%
% ===

% for the second solution, see
    every to/.append style={
      edge node={node [sloped, allow upside down, auto=false]{$#1$}}}
% ===

% general commands



\begin{tikzcd}[row sep=1em]
& \Z & \Z & \Z & \Z \\
\dotsb \arrow[r,"\cong"] &
C_3(*) \arrow[r,"0"] \arrow[u,symbol=\cong] &
C_2(*) \arrow[r,"\cong"] \arrow[u,symbol=\cong] &
C_1(*) \arrow[r,"0"] \arrow[u,symbol=\cong] &
C_0(*) \arrow[r] \arrow[u,symbol=\cong] &


enter image description here

A solution with stackengine:


\usepackage{amsmath, amssymb, graphicx}


\[ \stackMath
\Shortstack{\mathbb{Z} \\ \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\cong$} \\ C_3(*)}
\xrightarrow{\enspace 0\enspace}
\Shortstack{\mathbb{Z} \\ \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\cong$} \\ C_2(*)}
\Shortstack{\mathbb{Z} \\ \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\cong$} \\ C_1(*)}
\xrightarrow{\enspace 0\enspace}
\Shortstack{\mathbb{Z} \\ \rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{$\cong$} \\ C_0(*)}


enter image description here

A solution using TikZ (with manual placements):



  \node at (0,0) (d) {\ldots};
  \node[right=of d]  (c3) {$C_3(*)$};
  \node[right=of c3] (c2) {$C_2(*)$};
  \node[right=of c2] (c1) {$C_1(*)$};
  \node[right=of c1] (c0) {$C_0(*)$};
  \node[right=of c0] (0)  {$0$};
  \draw[->] (d) --node[above]{$\cong$} (c3);
  \draw[->] (c3) --node[above]{$0$} (c2);
  \draw[->] (c2) --node[above]{$\cong$} (c1);
  \draw[->] (c1) --node[above]{$0$} (c0);
  \draw[->] (c0) -- (0);
  \foreach\x in {0,...,3}
      \node[node distance=0.5cm,above=of c\x] (z\x) {$\mathbb{Z}$};
      \path (c\x) --node[rotate=90]{$\cong$} (z\x);

TikZ using the graphs and quotes syntax:



  \graph[grow right=2cm]
      d [as=\ldots] ->["$\cong$"]
      c3 [as=$C_3(*)$] ->["$0$"]
      c2 [as=$C_2(*)$] ->["$\cong$"]
      c1 [as=$C_1(*)$] ->["$0$"]
      c0 [as=$C_0(*)$] ->
      0 [as=$0$]
  \foreach\x in {3,...,0}
      \node[node distance=0.5cm,above=of c\x] (z\x) {$\mathbb{Z}$};
      \path (c\x) --node[rotate=90]{$\cong$} (z\x);

enter image description here