Bourbaki assembly brackets

BONUS: Works across math styles

$A \bkl x, y \bkr.$

enter image description here

Width could be tweaked a little with this:

$A \bkl x, y \bkr.$

$\scriptstyle A \bkl x, y \bkr.$

$\scriptscriptstyle A \bkl x, y \bkr.$

enter image description here

The stix package has ⧘ \lvzigzag and ⧙ \rvzigzag, which resemble the image you posted and may even be semantically the same. These two characters are encoded in Unicode as LEFT WIGGLY FENCE (U+29D8) and RIGHT WIGGLY FENCE (U+29D9).

So, you can either use


$A \rvzigzag x, y \lvzigzag$

or, with Unicode support, you need a font that supports ⧘ and ⧙ such as STIX2Math:



$A ⧙ x, y ⧘$

Sorry, I totally don’t understand the use of both characters, so their use and the notation may be completely wrong in my example.

enter image description here

