Can Perl detect arrays?

Yes, perl can detect what type a variable is. Use the ref() function. For example:

if (ref($var) eq 'ARRAY') {
   # Do stuff

See more in this perlmonks discussion.

There are several ways to detect an array in Perl, each with different functionality.

Given the following variables:

my $array    = [1, 2, 3];
my $arrayobj = bless [1, 2, 3] => 'ARRAY';
my $object   = bless [1, 2, 3] => 'Some::Object';
my $overload = bless {array => [1, 2, 3]} => 'Can::Be::Array';
{package Can::Be::Array;
    use overload fallback => 1, '@{}' => sub {$_[0]{array}}  
  • the ref builtin function

    ref $array    eq 'ARRAY'
    ref $arrayobj eq 'ARRAY'
    ref $object   eq 'Some::Object'
    ref $overload eq 'Can::Be::Array'
  • the reftype function from the core module Scalar::Util

    reftype $array    eq 'ARRAY'
    reftype $arrayobj eq 'ARRAY'
    reftype $object   eq 'ARRAY'
    reftype $overload eq 'HASH'
  • the blessed function from Scalar::Util which primarily is used to determine if a variable contains an object that you can call methods on.

    blessed $array    eq undef
    blessed $arrayobj eq 'ARRAY'
    blessed $object   eq 'Some::Object'
    blessed $overload eq 'Can::Be::Array'
  • catching an exception

    my $x = eval {\@$array   } or die $@;  # ok
    my $x = eval {\@$arrayobj} or die $@;  # ok
    my $x = eval {\@$object}   or die $@;  # ok
    my $x = eval {\@$overload} or die $@;  # also ok, since overloaded

In the last example, the \@ pair dereferences the argument as an ARRAY, and then immediately takes the reference to it. This is a transparent operation that returns the same value if that value is an ARRAY. If the value is overloaded, it will return the array ref that the module created. However, if the value can not be dereferenced as an ARRAY, perl will throw an exception.


