PowerShell Create Folder on Remote Server

UNC path works as well with New-Item

$ComputerName = "fooComputer"
$DriveLetter = "D"
$Path = "fooPath"
New-Item -Path \\$ComputerName\$DriveLetter$\$Path -type directory -Force 

Enter-PSSession can be used only in interactive remoting scenario. You cannot use it as a part of a script block. Instead, use Invoke-Command:

$stageSvrs | %{
         Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_ -ScriptBlock { 
             $setupFolder = "c:\SetupSoftwareAndFiles"
             Write-Host "Creating SetupSoftwareAndFiles Folder"
             New-Item -Path $setupFolder -type directory -Force 
             Write-Host "Folder creation complete"

For those who -ScriptBlock doesn't work, you can use this:

$c = Get-Credential -Credential 
$s = $ExecutionContext.InvokeCommand.NewScriptBlock("mkdir c:\NewDir")
Invoke-Command -ComputerName PC01 -ScriptBlock $s -Credential $c