Can I export excel data with UTF-8 without BOM?

If anyone else is struggling with the adTypeText constant, you need to include "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Object Library" under Tools->References.

I have also the same issue: have to export data from Excel (Office 2003, VBA6.5) to UTF-8 encoded file. Found the answer from your question ! Below my example where I also strip the BOM using trick #2 from boost's (thanks!) answer. I didn't get #1 working and never tried #3.

Sub WriteUTF8WithoutBOM()
    Dim UTFStream As Object
    Set UTFStream = CreateObject("")
    UTFStream.Type = adTypeText
    UTFStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite
    UTFStream.Charset = "UTF-8"
    UTFStream.LineSeparator = adLF
    UTFStream.WriteText "This is an unicode/UTF-8 test.", adWriteLine
    UTFStream.WriteText "First set of special characters: öäåñüûú€", adWriteLine
    UTFStream.WriteText "Second set of special characters: qwertzuiopõúasdfghjkléáûyxcvbnm\|Ä€Í÷×äðÐ[]í³£;?¤>#&@{}<;>*~¡^¢°²`ÿ´½¨¸0", adWriteLine

    UTFStream.Position = 3 'skip BOM

    Dim BinaryStream As Object
    Set BinaryStream = CreateObject("")
    BinaryStream.Type = adTypeBinary
    BinaryStream.Mode = adModeReadWrite

    'Strips BOM (first 3 bytes)
    UTFStream.CopyTo BinaryStream

    'UTFStream.SaveToFile "d:\adodb-stream1.txt", adSaveCreateOverWrite

    BinaryStream.SaveToFile "d:\adodb-stream2.txt", adSaveCreateOverWrite
End Sub

The ADO Stream Object reference I used.