Call function after dispatch from redux has finished

There is another way which I use, as suggested by the official Redux tutorials.

add an enum status to your state, and also a variable error = null

Then you can assign various types of status to them. In your case

status = "idle" | "pending" | "failed" | "loggedin" | "loggedout";

Then in your thunk,

if (login succeeds)
   status = 'loggedin';
else {
    status = 'failed';
    error = 'e.message if you are using try catch';

In your functional component,

const {status,error} = useSelector(state => ({state.status,state.error}));
const dispatch = useDispatch();
    if(status === "loggedin") 
         // don't forget to reset the status
    if(status === "failed")

I think what you are looking for is Redux Saga.

You can use the TakeEvery Effect, which will trigger the function you want every time a specific action is called.

Example :

import { takeEvery } from `redux-saga/effects`

function* fetchUser(action) {

function* watchFetchUser() {
  yield takeEvery('USER_REQUESTED', fetchUser)

Take a look at the doc and read this article

Have your action creator return a promise. This way when you invoke it, you can use .then() and in your then handler you can push a new address to the history.

Thunks will return functions normally, but a promise differs in that you can act after completion.


static myActionCreator(somevar) {
  return dispatch => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        type: "myaction",
        something: somevar


So in this case, your thunk returns a promise. Then when you invoke like this:

.then(() => {

This thunk is just dispatching an action, but you could have some async call in there that has a callback, etc. and you resolve on completion.

I had similar confusion and ended up spending quite a time working on solving the problem through callbacks and javascript promises which is not required at all because of react-redux setup.


I was trying to go to my dashboard after my clearReducerState() function is dispatched. This code works just fine.

You need to do nothing react-redux works on a synchronous way, so you can simply do this. You can use history.push in your action too for that,

import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom';

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(withRouter(UpdateAid))

And in your action,

export const clearReducersState = (history) => dispatch => {

However, if you are updating your state using reducers it is better to use history.push in your index file to avoid problems.

Use as per your requirement. Hope this helps.