Testing content of list ignoring some of the fields

Give a try to AssertJ's usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields:

Employee bill = new Employee("Bill", 60, "Micro$oft");
Employee appleBill = new Employee("Billie", 60, "Apple");
List<Employee> employees = newArrayList(bill, appleBill);

Employees[] expectedEmployees = { new Employee("Bill", 60, "Google"), 
                                  new Employee("Billie", 60, "Facebook") };
// this assertion succeeds as we don't compare the company field.     

edit: The new recursive comparison API can be used, it gives much finer control about what is being compared: https://assertj.github.io/doc/#assertj-core-recursive-comparison-ignoring-fields

In my case I tried to compare lists of different classes. @Joel Costigliola hinted me to use usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields, so I wrote this code:

List<ClassOne> input = new ArrayList<>();
List<ClassTwo> result = new ArrayList<>();
assertThat(result).usingElementComparatorIgnoringFields("field1", "field2").isEqualTo(input);