C - Conversion behavior between two pointers

Interpretation B is correct. The standard is talking about a pointer to an object, not the object itself. "Resulting pointer" is referring to the result of the cast, and a cast does not produce an lvalue, so it's referring to the pointer value after the cast.

Taking the code in your example, suppose that an int must be aligned on a 4 byte boundary, i.e. it's address must be a multiple of 4. If the address of buf is 0x1001 then converting that address to int * is invalid because the pointer value is not properly aligned. If the address of buf is 0x1000 then converting it to int * is valid.


The code you added addresses the alignment issue, so it's fine in that regard. It however has a different issue: it violates strict aliasing.

The array you defined contains objects of type char. By casting the address to a different type and subsequently dereferencing the converted type type, you're accessing objects of one type as objects of another type. This is not allowed by the C standard.

Though the term "strict aliasing" is not used in the standard, the concept is described in section 6.5 paragraphs 6 and 7:

6 The effective type of an object for an access to its stored value is the declared type of the object, if any.87) If a value is stored into an object having no declared type through an lvalue having a type that is not a character type, then the type of the lvalue becomes the effective type of the object for that access and for subsequent accesses that do not modify the stored value. If a value is copied into an object having no declared type using memcpy or memmove, or is copied as an array of character type, then the effective type of the modified object for that access and for subsequent accesses that do not modify the value is the effective type of the object from which the value is copied, if it has one. For all other accesses to an object having no declared type, the effective type of the object is simply the type of the lvalue used for the access.

7 An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression that has one of the following types:88)

  • a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
  • a qualified version of a type compatible with the effective type of the object,
  • a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the effective type of the object,
  • a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a qualified version of the effective type of the object,
  • an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union), or
  • a character type.


87 ) Allocated objects have no declared type.

88 ) The intent of this list is to specify those circumstances in which an object may or may not be aliased.

In your example, you're writing an unsigned long and a double on top of char objects. Neither of these types satisfies the conditions of paragraph 7.

In addition to that, the pointer arithmetic here is not valid:

 *(((double *) buf) + 2) = 1.618;

As you're treating buf as an array of double when it is not. At the very least, you would need to perform the necessary arithmetic on buf directly and cast the result at the end.

So why is this a problem for a char array and not a buffer returned by malloc? Because memory returned from malloc has no effective type until you store something in it, which is what paragraph 6 and footnote 87 describe.

So from a strict point of view of the standard, what you're doing is undefined behavior. But depending on your compiler you may be able to disable strict aliasing so this will work. If you're using gcc, you'll want to pass the -fno-strict-aliasing flag