Function call with template parameter

You can have only one implicit user-conversion, so your call with const char* is invalid.

There are several options,

  • add another constructor for my_class

    my_class(T value) : my_Value(value) {}
    template <typename U, std::enable_if_t<std::is_convertible<U, T>, int> = 0>
    my_class(U value) : my_Value(value) {}
  • add overload for my_function,

    void my_function(my_class<std::string> my_string)
    void my_function(const char* s) { return my_function(my_class<std::string>{s}); }
  • change call site to call it with std::string:

    my_function(std::string("my value"))
    using namespace std::string_literals;
    my_function("my value"s)

You have to add constructor accepting type convertible to your T.

The "classic" pre-C++20 way is to use SFINAE and std::enable_if:

template <typename T>
class my_class
   template <typename U, typename = std::enable_if_t<std::is_constructible_v<T,U>>>
   my_class(U&& arg) : my_Value(std::forward<U>(arg)) 



With newest standard (C++20) you can use concepts and simplify your code:

template <typename T>
class my_class
   template <typename U>
   my_class(U&& arg) requires(std::is_constructible_v<T,U>) 
      : my_Value(std::forward<U>(arg)) 


Or even simpler:

template <typename T, typename U>
concept constructible_to = std::constructible_from<U, T>;

template <typename T>
class my_class
   template <constructible_to<T> U>
   my_class(U&& arg)
      : my_Value(std::forward<U>(arg)) 