Bootstrap Datepicker on change firing 3 times

You should be using the "changeDate" event. For example:

var datePicker = $('.date-picker').datePicker().on('changeDate', function(ev) {
    //Functionality to be called whenever the date is changed

Please view the documentation here for more info on this event.

it does not fix the problem, but i was using the datepicker to send through an ajax post, so the 3 change events was causing me problems - the 3rd event always failed. even if the documentation says to use a changeDate event, it doesn't seem right to me to fire the input tag's change event 3 times. the value isn't changing 3 times!

I wrote a simple 'debounce' function to get around the problem. doesn't fix the issue - which is due to multiple change events being fired from the methods: setValue (line 508) _setDate:(line 1048) and setValue (line 508) (version 1.3.0) of the widget.

 var lastJQueryTS = 0 ;// this is a global variable.
 // in the change event handler...
    var send = true;
if (typeof(event) == 'object'){
    if (event.timeStamp - lastJQueryTS < 300){
        send = false;
    lastJQueryTS = event.timeStamp;
if (send){

it is pretty simple, just finds the jquery 'event', and makes sure that values in a window of 300ms are ignored. in my testing this all happened in 30 msec or so.

As some has mentioned already, use this:

$('#calendar').on("changeDate", function() {


The trick is to use changeDate instead of change.