Python3 & PyCharm - Debug logging levels in run/debug

Very dirty workaround just to get it run is to overwrite the logging functions. It may come in handy sometimes you just want to take a quick look without setting the whole debug level.


logging.debug = print = print

The problem has nothing to do with PyCharm, but with how logging configuration works. If you try to write the code you have shown in a normal python interactive session you get the same output:

>>> import logging
>>> logger = logging.getLogger('tipper')
>>> logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
>>> logger.debug('debug message')
>>>'info message')
>>> logger.warn('warn message')
warn message
>>> logger.error('error message')
error message
>>> logger.critical('critical message')
critical message

The problem is that setting the logger's level isn't enough! You must also add a handler to the logger otherwise the logger will simply forward the message up the chain. The messages will end up at the root logger, which has, by default, a level of logging.WARN and thus discards DEBUG level messages.

However if you add a handler to logger all works fine:

>>> logger.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler())
>>> logger.debug('test')

You can set more than one handler for each logger and each handler can have a different logging level.

See this question for a bit of further information about logger's and handler's levels. I'd suggest also to read carefully the documentation for the logging module and the various guides (e.g. the logging How-To, because it has a really advanced configuration.

Also from python3.2 there's a dictConfig function which allow you to specify the configuration for your logging hierarchy as dictionary, without having to manually create every handler and logger by hand.