Biblatex: Two bibliographies with different styles and sortings

If you pass the option labelnumber to biblatex you can use numeric citations even with style=alphabetic.

The cite command can switch based on keywords, so you can use \cite for all entries regardless of keyword.

For the numeric bibliography we will have to define a new bibliography environment that prints numeric citations. bibliographyNUM is directly copied from numeric.bbx. To set the sorting for the bibliography, just say

\printbibliography[env=bibliographyNUM, title=References, keyword=secondary, resetnumbers]

before the numeric bibliography. The previous bibliography will use the global sorting scheme anyt that is appropriate for alpha-style bibliography. In case it is necessary to keep the sorting scheme assignment local (because the numeric bibliography comes before the alpha bibliography), you would use

\printbibliography[env=bibliographyNUM, title=References, keyword=secondary, resetnumbers]


\usepackage[style=alphabetic, labelnumber, defernumbers=true,  backend=biber]{biblatex}

% Append keywords to identify different bibliography entries.
% appendstrict only appends if the field is nonempty,
% we use that to add a comma to avoid mushing together two keywords
  \maps[datatype=bibtex, overwrite]{
      \step[fieldset=KEYWORDS, fieldvalue={, }, appendstrict]
      \step[fieldset=KEYWORDS, fieldvalue=primary, append]
      \step[fieldset=KEYWORDS, fieldvalue={, }, appendstrict]
      \step[fieldset=KEYWORDS, fieldvalue=secondary, append]



  author    = {Author Aaa},
  title     = {Some Title},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2003,
  keywords  = {hello},
  author    = {Author Bbb},
  title     = {Some Title},
  publisher = {Some Publisher},
  year      = 2002,
  author    = {Author Ccc},  
  title     = {Some Title},
  year      = 2004,
  url       = {},
  keywords  = {bye},
  author  = {Author Ddd},
  title   = {Some Title},
  year    = 2001,
  url     = {},

The first two citations \cite{LinkD01} and \cite{BookB02}. 
The others are \cite{LinkC04} and \cite{BookA03}.

\printbibliography[title=Bibliography, keyword=primary]

\printbibliography[env=bibliographyNUM, title=References, keyword=secondary, resetnumbers]

example output