Creating customized footnotes

This can work only if you use a “per page” numbering of footnotes. Next, the typesetting of the marker must be modified.


% three should be sufficient
% we want a nonbreaking space before the marker in text
% we want the marker normal size and not superscripted, with )
\settowidth{\footnotemargin}{***) }
\patchcmd{\@makefntext}{\hss\@makefnmark}{\hss \@makefnmark\ }{}{}

\textheight=2cm % just for the example


First footnote\footnote{Some long text that should wrap
across at least two lines; just add text just add text
just add text just add text just add text.}.
Now another footnote just to see what happens\footnote{Try this.}.


enter image description here

Here's a setup with \textasteriskcentered (providing for *,**,*** at the moment only) and using footmisc.

There's a wiley set of footmisc, which has *, ** already, but not ***, if this should be needed at all.




A footnote on foo\footnote{foo} and another footnote on foobar\footnote{foobar} and yet another one\footnote{foobar foo}

enter image description here

