LinkedIn logo in Latex

fontawesome provides a number of "Social icons":

enter image description here

\doublespacing% Just for this example
\verb|Facebook|: \faFacebook \quad \faFacebookSquare \par
\verb|Twitter|: \faTwitter \quad \faTwitterSquare \par
\verb|Github|: \faGithub \quad \faGithubSquare \par
\verb|HTML5|: \faHtml5 \par
\verb|LinkedIn|: \faLinkedin \quad \faLinkedinSquare \par
\verb|Pinterest|: \faPinterest \quad \faPinterestSquare \par
\verb|Google+|: \faGooglePlus \quad \faGooglePlusSquare

It requires compilation via XeLaTeX or LuaLaTeX.

Following the discussion on LinkedIn Branding Guidelines, you can also download the EPS versions of the LinkedIn logo and include them using \includegraphics (from graphicx).

Also trusting various websites and having Adobe Myriad Pro Bold on your system,

\setmainfont{Myriad Pro Bold}

Linked\tikz[baseline=(i.text)]\node[fill=blue,rounded corners=0.25ex,text=white,inner sep=0.3ex](i) {in};


enter image description here

I didn't try to match the roundedness, kern or any other detail but if you wish you can do some precision surgery on it.

I think the simplest path is to use the EPS logos provided. With pdflatex you will have to convert the EPS file to PDF, but there are many ways to do that (see What are good ways to convert EPS to PDF?) including “automatically” as in my installation. If you download the LinkedIn logo “bug” as EPS, you get a file LinkedIn-InBug-2C.eps. Then use something like this document:


and you get this:

sample code output

I had to manually adjust the width and \raisebox arguments to get the size and vertical placement right. There might be other ways.

