Best way to check for null parameters (Guard Clauses)

With newer version of C# language you can write this without additional library or additional method call:

_ = someArg ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(someArg));
_ = otherArg ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(otherArg));

Starting from .NET6 you can also write this:


public static class Ensure
    /// <summary>
    /// Ensures that the specified argument is not null.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="argumentName">Name of the argument.</param>
    /// <param name="argument">The argument.</param>
    [ContractAnnotation("halt <= argument:null")]        
    public static void ArgumentNotNull(object argument, [InvokerParameterName] string argumentName)
        if (argument == null)
            throw new ArgumentNullException(argumentName);


// C# < 6
public Constructor([NotNull] object foo)
    Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(foo, "foo");

// C# >= 6
public Constructor([NotNull] object bar)
    Ensure.ArgumentNotNull(bar, nameof(bar));

The DebuggerStepThroughAttribute comes in quite handy so that in case of an exception while debugging (or when I attach the debugger after the exception occurred) I will not end up inside the ArgumentNotNull method but instead at the calling method where the null reference actually happened.

I am using ReSharper Contract Annotations.

  • The ContractAnnotationAttribute makes sure that I never misspell the argument ("foo") and also renames it automatically if I rename the foo symbol.
  • The NotNullAttribute helps ReSharper with code analysis. So if I do new Constructor(null) I will get a warning from ReSharper that this will lead to an exception.
  • If you do not like to annotate your code directly, you can also do the same thing with external XML-files that you could deploy with your library and that users can optionally reference in their ReSharper.