Xcode iOS Development signing identity

It takes a long time, and we did all the above solutions and they didn't work at all so our team decided to remove Pod files and run pod install again. finally, our OTA uploaded ipa installed on the user's device. best Solution

  1. clean project menu > Product > Clean Build Folder and /Users/{you user name}/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData
  2. go to your project directory and remove Podfile.lock ,Pods folder,pod_***.framework
  3. run pod install again

Together with a very helpful person on the Apple Developer forums we have tried to figure this out.

I was so blinded by it not working, it never came to mind to try out and build another project and to see if that would work. I was completely focused on my certificates and profiles within the member center and my account details within xcode. When I did try to build another (random) project, it worked in one go. This told us it must had something to do with the Build Settings of that one specific project which xcode could not code sign.

At the end, in xcode I went to the Build Settings of my Target. Within the Code Signing section I changed the values of Any iOS SDK to point to a specific Identity in my Keychain instead of having them on automatic (iOS Developer / iOS Distribution). This fixed my issue and I was able to build/deploy to my device and I was able to upload a new build to iTunes Connect.

enter image description here