Best unicode font to work with minted in xelatex/lualatex

You can fill in the gaps by making the characters active with a suitable definition

enter image description here

% !TEX engine = xelatex
\setmonofont{Consolas} %Might be better ones?
f(x) = x.^2 + π
const ⊗ = kron
const Σ = sum # Although `sum` may be just as good in the code.
# Calculate Σ_{j=1}^5 j^2
Σ([j^2 for j ∈ 1:5])

If you want to avoid having to define characters, you could switch to a font that has those characters. The GNU FreeMono font is a good one since it is free and has over 4,000 characters. It has a much larger character set than most monospace fonts, including the previously missing math characters you needed. You can download it here:

This is an updated example using the FreeMono font that displays the missing characters.

% !TEX engine = xelatex
\setmonofont{FreeMono} %switched to FreeMono
f(x) = x.^2 + π
const ⊗ = kron
const Σ = sum # Although `sum` may be just as good in the code.
# Calculate Σ_{j=1}^5 j^2
Σ([j^2 for j ∈ 1:5])

FreeMono output


