How to declare a "bracket-style" math operator

I suggest you load the mathtools package and use its \DeclarePairedDelimiter macro to define a macro called, say, \inprod. This method automatically declares a companion macro called \inprod*, which auto-sizes the angle brackets. The size of the "fences" can be controlled directly as well, by writing \inprod[\big]{...}, \inprod[\Big]{...}, etc.

enter image description here


$\displaystyle \inprod*{\frac{a}{b},\frac{c}{d}}$


A variant of the mathtools solution, which takes care of empty arguments, with the xparse and etoolbox packages. It uses two arguments, separated by a comma; if some argument is empty, it is replaced with a dot:

\usepackage{mathtools, nccmath}
\usepackage{xparse, etoolbox}

{\ifblank{#2}{\,\cdot\,{,}\,\cdot\,}{{\,\cdot \,}{,}{\mkern2mu#2}}}%


\[ \innerp{x, y}, \quad \innerp[\big]{\tfrac{1}{2}x, y} \quad \innerp*{\frac{x}{2}, y}\quad\innerp{x , }\quad \innerp{ , y}\quad \innerp{ , }\]


enter image description here

In fact I remember a conversation about precisely this, but it may take me a while to find it. In the meantime:



Math Mode