Bad hyphenation in Section Title

You can use

 \section[form for header with no break](display form\\ with linebreak} 

I cannot reproduce the behavior.

However, with those long titles, it makes sense to enable ragged right in them.


%%% packages
  headheight=110pt, % 110pt? Are you sure?

\usepackage[section]{placeins} %picture alsways in one section

%%% settings
% 1. titlesec

%2. fancyhdr
\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{\markboth{\thechapter~#1}{}} %no chapter in header
\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{\markright{\thesection~#1}{}} %\MakeUppercase{\thesection\ #1} 
\fancyhead[OR]{\rightmark} %die Section-Name
\fancyhead[EL]{\leftmark} % Chapter-Name
\fancyfoot[OR,EL]{\bfseries \Large \thepage} %<----- NOT \textbf


\section{Physical Compact Model of a VCM-type Resistive Switching Cell}

Some text


enter image description here