I would like to create a macro to fill in a percent grid automatically in the most efficient manner

Who needs TikZ?

\foreach\z in{1,...,10}{%
\foreach\zz in{1,...,10}{%


enter image description here


enter image description here

Here is a possible to do that. Let's first define a pic.

\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.3,pics/percent grid/.style={code={
    \tikzset{percent grid/.cd,#1}
    \def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/percent grid/##1}}%
      \path[percent grid/pfill] (-5,5) rectangle (-4,5-\ny);
      \path[percent grid/pfill] (-5,5) rectangle (-5+\nx,-5);
      \path[percent grid/pfill] (-5,5) |- (-5+\nx,-5) |- (-5+\nx+1,5-\ny) |-cycle;
    \draw[line cap=rect] (-5,-5) grid (5,5);
 }},percent grid/.cd,p/.initial=0,pfill/.style={fill=black!20!white}]

 \path[transform shape] (0,0) pic{percent grid={p=43}}
  (12,0) pic{percent grid={p=3}}
  (0,-12) pic{percent grid={p=50}}
  (12,-12) pic{percent grid={p=100}};

enter image description here

And this is macro version thereof.

\tikzset{pics/percent grid/.style={code={
    \tikzset{percent grid/.cd,#1}
    \def\pv##1{\pgfkeysvalueof{/tikz/percent grid/##1}}%
      \path[percent grid/pfill] (-5,5) rectangle (-4,5-\ny);
      \path[percent grid/pfill] (-5,5) rectangle (-5+\nx,-5);
      \path[percent grid/pfill] (-5,5) |- (-5+\nx,-5) |- (-5+\nx+1,5-\ny) |-cycle;
    \draw[line cap=rect] (-5,-5) grid (5,5);
 }},percent grid/.cd,p/.initial=0,pfill/.style={fill=black!20!white}}
\pic[scale=0.3]{percent grid={p=#2}};

enter image description here