AWS CloudFormation Application Load Balancer - how to redirect HTTP listener to HTTPS listener?

On November 19, 2018 Amazon introduced the RedirectConfig for the Elastic Load Balancer Listener. This listener type is also used for the Application Load Balancer (ALB).

Below you find an example configuration for the usual HTTP to HTTPS redirect. Replace 'PublicLoadBalancerBackend' with your load balancers CloudFormation object.

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - PublicLoadBalancerBackend
        - RedirectConfig:
            Host: "#{host}"
            Path: "/#{path}"
            Port: 443
            Protocol: "HTTPS"
            Query: "#{query}"
            StatusCode: HTTP_301
          Type: redirect
      LoadBalancerArn: !Ref 'PublicLoadBalancerBackend'
      Port: 80
      Protocol: HTTP

CloudFormation Documentation on the RedirectConfig:

CloudFormation Documentation on the Listener Action:

Looks like for now the only option is to write a custom resource to manage it. See: for a solid example to either implement - or use as a base for your own implementation. (I have no affiliation with the above code - just found for my own need to do the exact same thing)