Automatically pick a variable type big enough to hold a specified number

Sure, it's possible. Here are the ingredients. Let's start with my two favorite meta-functions:

template<uint64_t N>
struct constant
    enum { value = N };

template<typename T>
struct return_
    typedef T type;

Then, a meta-function that counts the bits required to store a number:

template<uint64_t N>
struct bitcount : constant<1 + bitcount<(N>>1)>::value> {};

struct bitcount<0> : constant<1> {};

struct bitcount<1> : constant<1> {};

Then, a meta-function that counts the bytes:

template<uint64_t N>
struct bytecount : constant<((bitcount<N>::value + 7) >> 3)> {};

Then, a meta-function that returns the smallest type for a given number of bytes:

template<uint64_t N>
struct bytetype : return_<uint64_t> {};

struct bytetype<4> : return_<uint32_t> {};

struct bytetype<3> : return_<uint32_t> {};

struct bytetype<2> : return_<uint16_t> {};

struct bytetype<1> : return_<uint8_t> {};

And finally, the meta-function that you asked for:

template<uint64_t N>
struct Integer : bytetype<bytecount<N>::value> {};

Boost.Integer already has facilities for Integer Type Selection:


The smallest, built-in, signed integral type that can hold all the values in the inclusive range 0 - V. The parameter should be a positive number.


The smallest, built-in, unsigned integral type that can hold all positive values up to and including V. The parameter should be a positive number.