Weird SIGSEGV segmentation fault in std::string::assign() method from

I guess there could be some problem inside FormatTimeStamp function, but without source code it's hard to say anything. Try to check your program under Valgrind. Usually this helps to fix such sort of bugs.

There are two likely possibilities:

  • some code before line 798 has corrupted the local tmpTimeStamp object
  • the return value from FormatTimeStamp() was somehow bad.

The _GLIBCXX_FULLY_DYNAMIC_STRING is most likely a red herring and has nothing to do with the problem.

If you install debuginfo package for libstdc++ (I don't know what it's called on CentOS), you'll be able to "see into" that code, and might be able to tell whether the left-hand-side (LHS) or the RHS of the assignment operator caused the problem.

If that's not possible, you'll have to debug this at the assembly level. Going into frame #2 and doing x/4x $ebp should give you previous ebp, caller address (0x081402fc), LHS (should match &tmpTimeStamp in frame #3), and RHS. Go from there, and good luck!