Autofac with multiple implementations of the same interface

Autofac implicitly supports this by default via the use of IEnumerable<T>. Instead of having your depending class's constructor take in a single instance of T, you make it take in an instance of IEnumerable<T> that will contain every T registered:

public interface IMessageHandler
    void HandleMessage(Message m);

public class MessageProcessor
  private IEnumerable<IMessageHandler> _handlers;

  public MessageProcessor(IEnumerable<IMessageHandler> handlers)
      _handlers = handlers;

  public void ProcessMessage(Message m)
      foreach (var handler in _handlers)

Then in your registration, simply add multiple implementations of T:

var builder = new ContainerBuilder();

When MessageProcessor is instantiated, the IEnumerable it receives will contain three items as per the above registrations against IMessageHandler.

You can read more about this on my blog.

4 options here:

Option 1: Redesign Your Interfaces

ILoggingMessageHandler , IDoSomethingMessageHandler 

Option 2: Change the Registrations

builder.Register(ctx => new FinalHandler(ctx.Resolve<LoggingMessageHandler >()));
builder.Register(ctx => new FinalHandler(ctx.Resolve<IDoSomethingMessageHandler >()));

Option 3: Use Keyed Services

             new ResolvedParameter(
               (pi, ctx) => pi.ParameterType == typeof(IMessageHandler),
               (pi, ctx) => ctx.ResolveKeyed<ISender>("something")));

Option 4: Use Metadata

public class FinalHandler
  public FinalHandler([WithMetadata("sendBy", "something")] IMessageHandler messageHandler) { ... }

Autofac has Decorators support.