Is it possible to use bearer authentication for websocket upgrade requests?

The API allows you to set exactly one header, namely Sec-WebSocket-Protocol, i.e. the application specific subprotocol. You could use this header for passing the bearer token. For example:

new WebSocket("ws://", ["access_token", "3gn11Ft0Me8lkqqW2/5uFQ="]);

The server is expected to accept one of the protocols, so for the example above, you can just validate the token and respond with header Sec-WebSocket-Protocol=access_token.

You are right, it is impossible for now to use Authentication header, because of the design of Javascript WebSocket API. More information can be found in this thread: HTTP headers in Websockets client API

However, Bearer authentication type allows a request parameter named "access_token": This method is compatible with websocket connection.