ASP.Net Core: Use Shared Project to share static assets (css / js) between many projects

Here's how I solved this problem. I didn't use a Shared Project because I couldn't get that to work. Instead, I used PhysicalFileProvider and it works like charm.

To do this, I created a new folder in src. I called it assets so my Solution Explorer looks something like this:


I put all of the shared static assets (e.g. css, JavaScript, images) in /src/assets. Now I map /src/assets to the wwwroot/assets folders in Foo.Web1 and Foo.Web2 projects using PhysicalFileProvider. In Startup.cs's Configure method, I add this:

if (Env.IsDevelopment())
    // app is IApplicationBuilder and Env is IHostingEnvironment
    app.UseStaticFiles(new StaticFileOptions
        FileProvider = new PhysicalFileProvider(Regex.Replace(Env.ContentRootPath, $"{Env.ApplicationName}$", "assets"))),
        RequestPath = new PathString("/assets"),
        OnPrepareResponse = ctx =>
            // Optionally manipulate the response as you'd like. for example, I'm setting a no cache directive here for dev.
            ctx.Context.Response.Headers.Append("Cache-Control", "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate");

Now any request that comes to /assets will be served from the /src/assets folder that can be shared by Foo.Web1 and Foo.Web2. All changes in /src/assets will be reflected in real-time. This work great in dev, but when it comes to production, I don't do this. Instead, I copy the files from /src/assets to Foo.Web1/wwwroot/assets and Foo.Web2/wwwroot/assets in my deployment script so this remapping doesn't need to happen.