Set default option in mat-select

Working StackBlitz

No need to use ngModel or Forms

In your html:

    <mat-select [(value)]="selected" placeholder="Mode">
        <mat-option value="domain">Domain</mat-option>
        <mat-option value="exact">Exact</mat-option>

and in your component just set your public property selected to the default:

selected = 'domain';

Try this

    <mat-select [(ngModel)]="modeselect" [placeholder]="modeselect">
        <mat-option value="domain">Domain</mat-option>
        <mat-option value="exact">Exact</mat-option>


export class SelectValueBindingExample {
    public modeselect = 'Domain';

Live demo

Also, don't forget to import FormsModule in your app.module

This issue vexed me for some time. I was using reactive forms and I fixed it using this method. PS. Using Angular 9 and Material 9.

In the "ngOnInit" lifecycle hook

  1. Get the object you want to set as the default from your array or object literal
const countryDefault = this.countries.find(c => c.number === '826');

Here I am grabbing the United Kingdom object from my countries array.

  1. Then set the formsbuilder object (the mat-select) with the default value.
  1. Lastly...set the bound value property. In my case I want the name value.
<mat-select formControlName="country">
    <mat-option *ngFor="let country of countries" [value]="" >

Works like a charm. I hope it helps