Apply a wave to an array

LOGO, 18 bytes

[map[?+sin 90*#]?]

There is no "Try it online!" link because all online LOGO interpreter does not support template-list.

That is a template-list (equivalent of lambda function in other languages).


pr invoke [map[?+sin 90*#]?] [-4 3 0 1 7 9 8 -2 11 -88]

(invoke calls the function, pr prints the result)

prints [-3 3 -1 1 8 9 7 -2 12 -88].

Explanation (already pretty understandable):

 map[?+sin 90*#]?       map a function over all the items of the input
              #         the 1-based index of the element in the input
       sin 90*#         equal to the required wave
     ?                  looping variable
     ?+sin 90*#         add the wave to the input

Haskell, 26 bytes


Try it online! (runs all test cases)


zipWith(+)$cycle[1,0,-1,0]  -- anonymous tacit function
zipWith(+)                  -- pairwise addition between input list
          $cycle[1,0,-1,0]  -- and an infinitely-cycling "wave" list

Mathematica, 26 23 22 bytes


Try it online! (Mathics)

Note: The TIO link is for the 23-byte version, the 22-byte version is not Mathics-compatible.