Making Squared Words

Charcoal, 7 5 bytes


Try it online! Link is to verbose version of code. Edit: Saved 2 bytes thanks to @CarlosAlejo. Explanation:

θ       Print the input string, making the top row
 ‖O     Reflect with overlap...
   ↙    ... down and left, to create the left side
    ↘   ... down and right, to create the bottom and right sides

(Multiple directions to the Reflect command run consecutively rather than simultaneously.)

MATL, 20 16 11 bytes


Try it at MATL online!

EDIT: The code works in release 20.2.1, which predates the challenge. The link uses that release. (In 20.2.2 the code would be shorter, but it postdates the challenge).


o     % Implicitly input a string. Convert chars to ASCII codes
t     % Duplicate
YT    % 2-input Toeplitz matrix
O     % Push 0
6L    % Push predefined literal [2, -1+1j]. When used as an index, this is
      % interpreted as 2:end-1 (indexing is 1-based)
t     % Duplicate
&(    % 4-input assignment indexing. This writes 0 at the square formed by
      % rows 2:end-1 and columns 2:end-1 
c     % Convert to char. Char 0 is shown as space. Implicitly display

Jelly,  29 22  17 bytes

Charcoal will trounce+d this score...


A monadic link taking and returning a lists of characters; or a full program printing the result.

Try it online!


J⁶ẋa0,1¦"ṚṚ;$ṖŒḌY - Link: list of characters, w     e.g. "whole"
 ⁶                - literal space character              ' '
J                 - range(length(w))                     [1,2,3,4,5]
  ẋ               - repeat                               [" ","  ","   ","    ","     "]
         Ṛ        - reverse w                            "elohw"
        "         - zip with:
       ¦          -   sparse application of:
   a              -     and (vectorises)
    0,1           -     to indexes: [0,1] (last and 1st) ["e","ll","o o","h  h","w   w"]
            $     - last two links as a monad:
          Ṛ       -   reverse                            ["w   w","h  h","o o","ll","e"]
           ;      -   concatenate                        ["w   w","h  h","o o","ll","e","e","ll","o o","h  h","w   w"]
             Ṗ    - pop (remove last entry)              ["w   w","h  h","o o","ll","e","e","ll","o o","h  h"]
              ŒḌ  - reconstruct matrix from diagonals    ["whole","h   l","o   o","l   h","elohw"]
                Y - join with newlines                   "whole\nh   l\no   o\nl   h\nelohw"
                  - if running as a full program implicit print