Ansible: How to call a playbook from another?

Here you have examples in official documentation.

I had same error as yours after applying the aproved answer. I resolved problem by creating master playbook like this:

- import_playbook: master-okd.yml
- import_playbook: infra-okd.yml
- import_playbook: compute-okd.yml

With include on the task level Ansible expects a file with tasks only, not a full playbook. Yet you provide a full playbook as an argument.

You could do it (include) on a play level, but it won't let you achieve what you want.

The play with hosts: all defined will always run against all targets (unless you limit it in the command call or the inventory).

Moreover, you will have troubles accessing the java_status value from the other playbook (if this was your goal).

You need to rethink your structure, for example you can for example extract the task(s) and include them from both plays:


- name: Check PID of existing Java process
  shell: "ps -ef | grep [j]ava"
  register: java_status

  - debug: var=java_status.stdout


- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    - include my_tasks.yml


- hosts: instance_1
  gather_facts: no

    - include: my_tasks.yml

