No Code coverage in IntelliJ 2017

Make sure you have the Coverage plugin enabled! (yes, it's named literally just "Coverage") Enabling it did it for me.

You don't need to download it from Marketplace, the plugin comes bundled with IntelliJ Idea.

It's my understanding that it should be enabled by default ..but for some reason that wasn't the case for me, so it might as well not be the case for you either.

To see coverage for production code change the pattern to com.cdk.dmg.asset.

You need to Enable coverage in test folders if you want see coverage in tests (this option is disabled on your screenshot and the pattern is set to record data for tests only, hence no results).

In IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3 I had to change Test Runner to Gradle to solve the same problem in my Gradle-based project.

  1. File | Settings Ctrl+Alt+S
  2. Build, Execution, Deployment | Build Tools | Gradle | Runner
  3. Run tests using: Gradle Test Runner

Only then I was able to see the coverage.