Animated cosine waveform with FM modulation using the animate package

You are looking for an AM example. (For FM, see ↗follow-up Q.)

The plotted equations were modified somewhat (acc. to Wikipedia page on ↗Amplitude Modulation).

Here is an approach using the xsavebox package. This saves final PDF file size and a lot of compilation time.

  1. We save one cycle [0:pi] of the base signal into an xlrbox, outside animateinline.
  2. Then, the animation is created by moving 5 cycles in a window of 4 cycles width.

enter image description here

%% uncomment \def\export{} below to export animation
%% to multipage PDF a.pdf and run
%%  convert -density 300 -delay 4 -loop 0 -alpha remove a.pdf b.gif
%% to get an animated GIF b.gif at 100/4 = 25 frames per s


\usepackage{xsavebox} % xlrbox
\usepackage{calc} % \widthof{...}, \real{...}


%save ONE cycle in an xlrbox
      hide axis,
      /tikz/line cap=rect, /tikz/line join=round
      \addplot[domain=0:pi,black,samples=250] {0.8*cos(x*2*180/pi)};
      \addplot[domain=0:pi,blue,samples=500] {cos(x*20*180/pi)-2};
      \addplot[domain=0:pi,red,samples=500] {(1+0.8*cos(x*2*180/pi))*cos(x*20*180/pi)-5};
    \makebox[\widthof{\theOneCycle}*\real{4}][l]{% window = FOUR cycles
      \makebox[\widthof{\theOneCycle}/\real{18}*\real{-\i}]{}% offset
      \theOneCycle\theOneCycle\theOneCycle\theOneCycle\theOneCycle% moving FIVE cycles 


Like this? I added the controls for debugging, you can set step or autoplay as you wish.




    declare function={
        carrier(\t) = cos(\t);
        modulator(\t) = cos(6*\t);


            hide axis,
            scale only axis,
            width = 12cm,
            height = 6cm,
            \addplot[domain=-360:360,black,samples=101] {carrier(x+\PhaseShift)};
            \addplot[domain=-360:360,blue,samples=501] {modulator(x+\PhaseShift)-2.5};
            \addplot[domain=-360:360,red,samples=501] {modulator(x+\PhaseShift)*carrier(x+\PhaseShift) - 5};



enter image description here