nesting macro identifying string length 1 using xstring ifthen packages

I think that if you turn off the expansion of the argument of \StrLen with \noexpandarg it passes your tests:

enter image description here




\(\p{aa} = (aa)\)

\(\p{a} = a\)




I nested the \noexpandarg in a group as egreg suggested. I opted to add it inside the definition because this expansion behavior is not always wanted, but will be the case when \p is called.

No need for packages.

\(\p{aa} = (aa)\)

\(\p{a} = a\)


\p{aa\p{bb}} = (aa(bb)) 



enter image description here

The mandatory expl3 version:



  \rev_p:n { #1 }

\cs_new:Nn \rev_p:n
  \int_compare:nTF { \tl_count:n { #1 } > 1 } { (#1) } { #1 }



Input       & Should be \\
\p{aa}      & (aa) \\
\p{a}       & a \\
\p{aa\p{b}} & (aab) \\
\p{aa\p{bb}} & (aa(bb)) \\
\p{\p{a}}   & (a) \\


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