Angular how to get the multiple checkbox values?

Since you have several values you want to use, you need to use an FormArray, since FormControl can only capture one value.

Start with declaring an empty formArray:

this.myForm ={
  useremail: this.fb.array([])

Iterate the your emails, and watch for the change event and pass the respective email and event to a method onChange where you check if it's checked, then add the respective email to the formarray, if it's unchecked, remove the chosen email from the form array:

<div *ngFor="let data of emails">
  <input type="checkbox" (change)="onChange(, $"> {{}}<br>

And onChange:

onChange(email:string, isChecked: boolean) {
  const emailFormArray = <FormArray>this.myForm.controls.useremail;

  if(isChecked) {
    emailFormArray.push(new FormControl(email));
  } else {
    let index = emailFormArray.controls.findIndex(x => x.value == email)


For Angular 2+ check this example link

enter image description here

The problem with the @AJT_82 answer is that if you want to modify the model using form.reset() or or form.patchValue(), it won't work. To resolve these problems you need to implement ControlValueAccessor interface. Basically you need to create 2 components: group component which holds the model value and implements ControlValueAccessor and checkbox component, the actual checkbox. I have written a blog post with detailed explanation as well as created a plunker which demonstrate some examples.

Final usage:

<checkbox-group [(ngModel)]="selectedItems">
    <checkbox value="item1">Item 1</checkbox>
    <checkbox value="item2">Item 2</checkbox>
    <checkbox value="item3">Item 3</checkbox>
    <checkbox value="item4">Item 4</checkbox>

Implementation of group component:

selector: 'checkbox-group',
template: `<ng-content></ng-content>`,
providers: [{
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => CheckboxGroupComponent),
      multi: true
export class CheckboxGroupComponent implements ControlValueAccessor {
  private _model: any;

  // here goes implementation of ControlValueAccessor

  addOrRemove(value: any) {
    if (this.contains(value)) {
    } else {

  contains(value: any): boolean {
    if (this._model instanceof Array) {
        return this._model.indexOf(value) > -1;
    } else if (!!this._model) {
        return this._model === value;

    return false;

  // implementation for add and remove

Checkbox component:

selector: 'checkbox',
template: `
  <div (click)="toggleCheck()">
    <input type="checkbox" [checked]="isChecked()" />
export class CheckboxComponent {
  @Input() value: any;

  constructor(@Host() private checkboxGroup: CheckboxGroupComponent) {

  toggleCheck() {

  isChecked() {
    return this.checkboxGroup.contains(this.value);

Child checkbox controls have reference to group component (@Host() decorator). When a checkbox is clicked toggleCheck() call addOrRemove() method on group component and if checkbox's value is already in the model, it is removed, otherwise it is added to the model.