Angular 6: Property 'catch' does not exist on type 'Observable<Response>'?

Since you tagged your question rxjs6, I'm assuming the upgrade to Angular 6 includes an upgrade to rxjs6. In that case, it's not working because methods on the observable object are now standalone operators that you can apply using pipe(). Also, imports have changed. See the migration guide for more details.

With rxjs6 it should look something like this:

import { Observable, EMPTY, throwError } from 'rxjs';
import { catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';

private authInterceptor(observable: Observable<Response>): Observable<Response> {
   return observable.pipe(
       catchError( err => {
            if (err.status == 401) {
                return EMPTY;
            } else {
                return throwError(err);

import 'rxjs/add/operator/catch';

Or import Observable this way:

import {Observable} from 'rxjs';

I am assuming you have migrated to RXJS6 since you have also migrated to angular6.

In RXJS6 use catch Error instead of catch as seen here

  import {catchError } from 'rxjs/operators';
  import { Observable, of } from 'rxjs';