Firebase dynamic link support custom parameters?

I don't think you can use the short url: https://<my app> unless you create one for each user, but you can use the long url: https://<my app> ...(add other parameters as needed) and set new token for each user.

I assume you generate the tokens automatically. In that case you can use this to shorten the links.

If you want to use dynamic links with custom arguments with REST, here is an example of a payload:

  "dynamicLinkInfo": {
        "dynamicLinkDomain": "",
        "link": ""
  "suffix": {

Make sure your remove 'https://' from your dynamicLinkDomain


Case A. If you want the short link to expand to a link with multiple parameters:

In the part where you setup a dynamic link, any parameter you append to the deep link URL will go on all platforms (web, iOS, android) enter image description here

Case B. If you want to use dynamic parameters, you should use the api to create a short link

see documentation

1) From (no need for custom parameter here.)

enter image description here

2) Create link somewhere, f.e. on your confluence page (here we add our parameter):

PARAMETER is your custom parameter.

ofl is a link where to go if click the link from another platform (PC, Mac).

3) Getting link data from android project Kotlin code:

        .addOnSuccessListener { pendingDynamicLinkData ->
            val parameter: String =