Angular 2/4 How to style angular material design snackbar

I made the following code to work with Angular 6 and Angular Material 6.

The service that contain the snackBar calls:

export class MessageService {
   constructor(private snackBar: MatSnackBar) {}

   showError(message: string) {
      const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
      config.panelClass = ['background-red'];
      config.duration = 5000;, null, config);

Add the css class in the styles.css file:

   background-color: rgb(153, 50, 50);

md-snackbar provides a service to provide custom config. One the properties of config is extraClasses that allows to add CSS classes to the snack bar container (doc).

extraClasses can be used with ::ng-deep to override the default CSS classes. Here's an example:


Requires following import in the component:

import {MdSnackBar, MdSnackBarConfig} from '@angular/material';

(providing custom configuration)

openSnackBar(message: string, action?: string) {
  let config = new MdSnackBarConfig();
  config.extraClasses = ['custom-class'];, action ? 'Action Label' : undefined, config);


::ng-deep snack-bar-container.custom-class {
  background: yellow;

::ng-deep .custom-class .mat-simple-snackbar {
  color: green;

Here's a Plunker demo if you would like to try.

NOV 2018 UPDATE: Angular 6+

The syntax has changed a bit, with the md- prefix being replaced mat- and extraClasses was replaced with panelClass. The function is overall the same though:

const config = new MatSnackBarConfig();
config.panelClass = ['custom-class'];

and the imports too:

import { MatSnackBar, MatSnackBarConfig } from '@angular/material';