Firebase hosting: Needs Setup

I had the same problem, I was able to resolve it by toggling the DNS Status on cloudflare from DNS and HTTP Proxy (CDN) to just DNS on the two A records

enter image description here

It started working right away. Hope that helps!

The proper solution, ie without disabling Cloudflare for the site, is to use Full SSL for your domain/subdomain.

You can either choose Full SSL for all your domain entries, or set up a Page Rule for a specific subdomain, in your case, use "*"

Source:, which in turn points to

Had the same issue and this solved the redirect issue. Firebase will however still report the domain as "Needs setup", for that I have no solution, but it does not affect the functionality of the hosting.

For the people that is using Namecheap, This configuration worked for me.

Namecheap configuration