Android x86 emulator extremely slow

Toggle your ScreenSize and Monitor dpi to get a lower scale - it will increase your speed of loading and usage.. SnapShot can also be Handy

Well dont know for sure but all the native emulator in android are very slow.

I suggest that you use the Genymotion which is very faster emulators for android than native.

It will give you user experience almost as of devices though it does have the same limitation of android native emulators.

There are several options:

  1. One option is the Visual Studio Emulator for Android--it's fast, Hyper-V, x86, and free when you install Visual Studio 2015 (currently in Preview; free download).

Reference: Source

  1. Run Android Image in VirtualBox.

  2. You can use the Intel x86 System images, I'm not sure but they might be faster

Note: I read somewhere that Anti Virus Softwares scan the Image of Emulator which make it slow. I need to confirm it.