How to create Abstract base class in JavaScript that can't be Instantiated

In JavaScript engines that support ECMAScript 2015 (aka ES6) class syntax, this can be accomplished using the meta-property:

function Node() {
   if ( === Node) throw TypeError("new of abstract class Node");

or using class syntax:

class Node {
   constructor () {
      if ( === Node) throw TypeError("new of abstract class Node");

in either case, just define AttributionalNode as:

class AttributionalNode extends Node {
   constructor () {
   setAttr(attr) {
      this.atText = attr;

new Node();               // will throw TypeError
new AttributionalNode();  // works fine

For a more detailed explanation of see section 4.2 of this document.

This would work:

function Node() {
    if (this.constructor === Node) {
        throw new Error("Cannot instantiate this class");

function AttributionalNode() {; // call super

AttributionalNode.prototype = Object.create(Node.prototype);
AttributionalNode.prototype.setAttr = function (attr) {
    this.atText = attr;
AttributionalNode.prototype.constructor = AttributionalNode;

var attrNode = new AttributionalNode();
new Node();

Note: you cannot refer to this.prototype inside the constructor, as the prototype is only a property of the constructor function, not of the instances.

Also, see here for a good article on how to properly extend JS classes.

Adapting @levi's answer, you can go with a similar solution for using with ES6 today (as isn't established yet):

You can see it running on Babel's repl:

class Node {
    constructor () {
      if (this.constructor === Node) 
          throw new Error("Cannot instantiate Base Class");

    callMeBaby () {
      console.log("Hello Baby!");

class AttributionalNode extends Node {
  constructor () {
    console.log("AttributionalNode instantiated!");

let attrNode = new AttributionalNode();

let node = new Node();