Android - Shared element transitions with calling activity finish()

You can finish your activity in the onStop function, if you only want this to happen when you transition from A to B then create a flag and set it after you call startActivity(ctx,intent, bundle):

public void onStop() {

Make sure when you are done with activity B to call finish() and not finishAfterTranstion() since activity A is no longer there

After finishing the activity A, shared element in B might hang in screen if you press back. Set transitionName to null in ActivityB.onEnterAnimationComplete to avoid this.

This is maybe late but I had the same issue. What worked for me is:


This is included in the support library and works like charm.

PS: you don't needto call finish() when you call supportFinishAfterTransition() .


Much better and simpler way

ActivityCompat. finishAfterTransition(this);

<3 support library.