Android Room : LiveData callback of update insert?

  1. Can i use LiveData to wrap Delete, Insert, Update calls?

No, you can't. I wrote an answer to the issue. The reason is, that LiveData is used to notify for changes. Insert, Update, Delete won't trigger a change. It will return the deleted rows, the inserted ID or the affected rows. Even if it looks horrible it makes sense not having LiveData wrapped around your stuff. Anyway, it would make sense to have something like Single around the calls to let the operation triggered and operated on a RX-Java operation.

If you want to trigger those calls, you observe on a selection query which notify your LiveData onec you have updated, inserted or deleted some/any data.

  1. Better way to maintain such asynctask class for delete, insert , update?

After looking at your example it looks like that you misuse the (Model/View/)ViewModel-Pattern. You should never access your repository in your view. I'm not sure if you'r doing this because its not visible in your sample. Anyway, after observing your LiveData and getting a result, there's no need to wrap the updating of data inside your viewModel in an AsyncTask. That means, that you should alway take care of

a) view <-> viewmodel <-> repository and not view <-> repository and view <-> viewmodel


b) don't try to use threads which are not needed. You observe LiveData on a Background Thread (@WorkerThread) by default (if not annotated with @MainThread) and get the value in the ui-thread (@MainThread).

Concerning question 2:

For Kotlin users there is now a really nice way to achieve this, because since Room 2.1 there is direct support for coroutines. A neat example is given here.

You can use a "suspend function" directly in the DAO, which takes care that nothing is executed on the main thread:

 interface BarDao {

   @Query("SELECT * FROM bar WHERE groupId = 2")
   fun getAllBars(): LiveData<MutableList<Bar>>

   @Query( "SELECT * FROM bar WHERE groupId = 0 LIMIT 1")
   fun getRecentBar(): LiveData<Bar>

   suspend fun insert(bar: Bar)

   suspend fun update(bar: Bar)

   suspend fun delete(bar: Bar)


then in your viewModel you would just:

    fun insert(bar: Bar) = viewModelScope.launch {

    fun update(bar: Bar) = viewModelScope.launch {

    fun delete(bar: Bar)= viewModelScope.launch {