Android - AnimatorSet, Object Animator - Bounce animation chain is amalgamating?

When you use the Builder, all returning dependencies refer to the first Animator, so you had 3 bounces happening simultaneously after the first movement. Unfortunately it seems AnimatorSet is broken on some aspects, one of them being repeats :

OK so I eventually found a fairly neat way to achieve sequential animation by ignoring the fluent builder, and just using the playSequentially() method such that:

AnimatorSet as = new AnimatorSet();
as.playSequentially(ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(...), // anim 1
                    ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(...), // anim 2
                    ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(...), // anim 3
                    ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(...)); // anim 4

Still haven't worked out repeating though, other than a dirty hack involving the callback onAnimationEnd in a listener. Must be a simpler way, so perhaps someone can edit this when they know of one.

Anyway, hope the above helps someone.