How do I assign a dictionary value to a variable in Python?

Try This. It worked for Me.

>>> d = {'a': 1, 'b': 2}
>>> locals().update(d)
>>> print(a)

There are various mistakes in your code. First you forgot the = in the first line. Additionally in a dict definition you have to use : to separate the keys from the values.

Next thing is that you have to define new_variable first before you can add something to it.

This will work:

my_dictionary = {'foo' : 10, 'bar' : 20}

variable = my_dictionary['foo']
new_variable = 0 # Get the value from another place
new_variable += variable
my_dictionary['foo'] = new_variable

But you could simply add new_variable directly to the dict entry:

my_dictionary = {'foo' : 10, 'bar' : 20}

variable = my_dictionary['foo']
new_variable = 0 # Get the value from another place
my_dictionary['foo'] += new_variable